June 23, 2024

The Evolving Role of the CFO Controller in Modern Businesses

CFO reviewing financial metrics on a computer screen

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern businesses, the roles of Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) and Controllers are undergoing significant transformations. Traditionally seen as the keepers of financial records and overseers of day-to-day finance operations, these roles have expanded into strategic and innovative domains. This article delves into the evolving responsibilities of CFOs and Controllers, exploring their dynamic partnership, the expanding skill sets required, and the future of financial controllership.

Key Takeaways

  • The role of the Controller has evolved from traditional accounting to strategic business oversight.
  • CFOs are increasingly focusing on strategic initiatives, leaving Controllers to manage essential financial processes.
  • Modern Controllers need a diverse skill set, including accounting, technological proficiency, and leadership capabilities.
  • Job creep is a concern as Controllers take on more responsibilities, necessitating robust support systems.
  • The future of financial controllership will be shaped by emerging technologies and evolving business needs.

From Bean Counter to Bean Queen: The Controller's Glow-Up

The Historical Role: Counting Beans

Back in the day, controllers were the ultimate bean counters. They were all about the numbers, spreadsheets, and making sure every penny was accounted for. It was a role that required meticulous attention to detail and a love for all things numerical. But let's be honest, it wasn't exactly the most glamorous job in the world.

Modern Day: Counting on Strategy

Fast forward to today, and the role of the controller has undergone a major transformation. Controllers are no longer just number crunchers; they're strategic partners who play a crucial role in shaping the future of their organizations. They're involved in decision-making processes, helping to add business value and drive growth. In fact, the evolution of CFO roles has seen controllers stepping up to take on more responsibilities and becoming key players in their companies.

The Future: Counting on Innovation

Looking ahead, the future of the controller role is all about innovation. With the rapid advancement of technology, controllers will need to stay ahead of the curve and embrace new tools and techniques. This means not only keeping up with the latest accounting software but also understanding how to leverage data analytics and other tech innovations to drive business success. The controllers of tomorrow will be the ones who can balance their traditional accounting skills with a forward-thinking mindset, making them indispensable to their organizations.

The modern-day controller who is involved in strategic decision making, who is helping add business value, who is having an impact from a technology standpoint, I think, is an obvious candidate for a CFO.

The glow-up is real, folks. From bean counters to bean queens, controllers are proving that they're more than just number crunchers—they're the architects of company growth and the catalysts for transformation.

CFOs and Controllers: A Dynamic Duo

The CFO's Strategic Shift

Alright, folks, let's talk about the CFO's strategic shift. Gone are the days when CFOs were just number-crunching wizards. Now, they're more like financial superheroes, swooping in to save the day with strategic insights and long-term vision. But here's the kicker: they can't do it alone. They need their trusty sidekick, the controller, to handle the nitty-gritty details.

Controllers Picking Up the Slack

Controllers are the unsung heroes of the finance world. While the CFO is busy plotting the company's future, the controller is in the trenches, making sure everything runs smoothly. Think of them as the Batman to the CFO's Superman. They handle everything from compliance to financial reporting, freeing up the CFO to focus on the big picture.

Collaboration: The New Superpower

In today's fast-paced business environment, collaboration is the new superpower. CFOs and controllers need to work hand-in-hand to drive the company forward. Together, they form a dynamic duo that balances operational efficiency with financial prudence. It's all about leveraging each other's strengths to achieve strategic performance and success.

The working relationship between a CFO and controller is a vital partnership. When they collaborate effectively, magic happens. The company not only survives but thrives, thanks to their combined efforts.

So, let's give a round of applause to these financial superheroes. They may not wear capes, but they sure know how to save the day!

The Controller's Toolbox: Skills for the Modern Era

Accounting Skills: Still Essential

Alright, let's get one thing straight: accounting skills are still the bread and butter of any controller worth their salt. You can't just waltz into a boardroom with a fancy spreadsheet and expect to wow everyone without knowing your debits from your credits. Even though modern CFOs focus on business strategy, they still need experience on the ground with accounting, auditing, budgeting, financial analysis, or... you know, the nitty-gritty stuff.

Tech-Savvy: Embracing New Tools

Gone are the days when controllers were just number crunchers. Now, we're tech wizards too! Process automation, universal ledgers, and data visualization tools have all had an outsized impact on how — and how efficiently — controllers work. If you're not comfortable with data and technology, you're going to have a tough time keeping up. The future will be even more automated than it is today as generative AI continues to transform how finance works.

Leadership: More Than Just Numbers

Taking on a leadership role — from tech to talent, the role of controller is evolving. While changes to any role — especially when coupled with increased demands on time and attention — have the potential to be overwhelming, they also have the potential to generate opportunities. Controllers are now expected to be talent developers, not just team leads. This means we're not just managing numbers; we're managing people, projects, and sometimes even the office coffee machine.

The challenge comes in the form of the skill sets. Many controllers are accountants first, not necessarily experienced with technology. But hey, who said we can't learn new tricks?

Job Creep: When Controllers Wear Too Many Hats

The Expanding Role

Controllers are universally overwhelmed, as they tackle a workload packed with manual, day-to-day tasks. The primary duties of the controller were once financial management, oversight of assets and risk, and operational efficiency. Now, the present controller is obliged to manage duties such as: mentoring staff members, external relationship building, tax strategy, overseeing auditing and invoice approvals, preparing budgets, creating financial statements, and more.

Balancing Act: Work and More Work

At the same time, 50 percent of controllers say that "difficulty in recruiting and retaining talent" is behind their growing to-do list and focus shift as straightforward hiring processes and standard managerial practices yield less fruit than they once did, requiring controllers to make the jump from team leads to talent developers. From inefficient or inconsistent technology to team reductions, the responsibilities of controllers continue to increase while the amount of support they receive remains stagnant.

Support Systems: Help Wanted

However, controllers are not immune to the job creep plaguing the financial function amid a lack of qualified accounting talent, emerging technologies and new business needs. While changes to any role — especially when coupled with increased demands on time and attention — have the potential to be overwhelming, they also have the potential to generate opportunities.

The role of controller is evolving. Taking on a leadership role — from tech to talent — means more hats, but also more chances to shine.

The Controller as a Strategic Partner

Gone are the days when controllers were just number crunchers. Today, controllers are strategic visionaries and esteemed members of the management team. We’re not just balancing the books; we’re balancing the future of the company.

As stewards of a company's assets — whether it's their cash, people, or time — controllers have become change leaders. We must remain flexible and adaptable in our approach, always looking for ways to drive long-term growth. This means engaging in strategic business discussions and serving as trusted advisors.

The role of the controller is expanding beyond traditional accounting; it now demands a proactive, forward-thinking approach. We’re not just safeguarding value; we’re orchestrating it. By leveraging our expertise and embracing technology, we can significantly influence organizational success.

The controller's role has evolved to one of orchestrating and safeguarding value realization, placing them at the heart of the company's strategic planning.

The Future of Financial Controllership

Emerging Technologies

Alright, folks, let's talk tech! The digital landscape is evolving faster than a cat video going viral. Financial controllers are no longer just number crunchers; they're becoming tech wizards. From AI to blockchain, the tools at our disposal are mind-blowing. Embracing these technologies isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a must-have. Imagine a world where your spreadsheets update themselves—pure magic!

Evolving Business Needs

As businesses grow and change, so do their needs. We're not just keeping the books anymore; we're driving the bus! The role of a small company CFO in driving growth emphasizes the importance of CFOs in financial strategy alignment, forecasting, and risk management for small businesses to achieve success. We're talking about aligning financial strategy with business goals, forecasting like a weather pro, and managing risks like a tightrope walker. It's a balancing act, but hey, someone's gotta do it!

The Path Forward

So, where do we go from here? The future is bright, my friends. With a focus on continuous learning and embracing digital transformation, we're not just surviving; we're thriving. The financial controller's role will continue to expand, steering the finance function through transformative times with a steady hand and a clear vision for the future. Buckle up, because the ride is just getting started!

Controllers are finance experts and organizational leaders who need support to assist CFOs in driving long-term growth.


In conclusion, the role of the CFO controller has evolved from being mere number crunchers to becoming strategic partners in driving business success. As CFOs shift towards more strategic roles, controllers are stepping up to fill the gaps, taking on responsibilities that were once the sole domain of the finance chief. This evolution is not without its challenges, but with the right support and a diverse skill set, controllers are proving to be indispensable assets to their organizations. So, next time you see a controller, give them a high-five—they're not just balancing the books, they're balancing the future of the business!